Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Looking For Goodness

As you age, you have a vast cauldron of experiences to draw from. Some of these experiences are great; some you wish you never had. But all of them shape the work that you do and the person you become. It's just inevitable. 
~ Juliet Aubrey 
Don't let life's past experiences hold you captive. Draw from these experiences, use them, and learn from them; for a better and brighter future.
Be yourself, always. Don't waste a moment of your life trying to be normal, because there is no such thing.
Be happy with what you have. There are people with nothing that still manage to smile.

This is my artwork, and my message to you is: Hold on to the ones you love with everything you've got, because you never know the last time you will get to tell them you love them.

I've found that in my savior, the Lord Jesus Christ
Thank you!

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