Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Depraved Appetites Chapter 4


The True Cost of Rape

“No, this can’t be happening!” I shouted at a cheap pregnancy test I picked up on the way home.
“What is going on in there?” Scarlet knocks with the knuckle of her index finger.

I walk out of the bathroom, holding the positive test, with my head hung down in shame.

“Hey, it’s going to be ok. We’ll take care of it.” Scarlet said.
“I don’t want this baby.”
“That’s fine too. I promise to support you in any decision you make.”
“What if I told you, I wanted an abortion?” I asked.
“I would go down there with you and support you all the way. Is that what you want?”

I paused for a moment to mull it over in my mind, even though I already knew the answer. Maybe the test is wrong. It was only a dollar.

“I guess I could go to the supermarket, and get a real test to be sure.” I said.
“Let’s do that. Those cheap things give people false positives all the time.”
“Really? No way.”
“Yes, way. Come on, let’s get you a real test.” She said.

Scarlet drives me to our local store, and we go inside to buy the best test available; with the digital read out. After we check out, she drags me into the bathroom, right there in the store. In the handicap stall, to our dismay, even the best test is positive.
“Do you still want the abortion?” Scarlet asked.
A woman in another stall gasped; horrified at the question.
“Mind your own business lady, we’re having a moment here. Jeez, people.” She said.

“Yes. All I can think about, is the tragic event that caused this. I can’t deal with it.”
“To be honest, I’m happy you’re going to go through with it. I’ll even pay for half of it because I love you so much.”
“Thank you. I wasn’t sure I could even afford the whole $400, but I can definitely cover half of that. Also, would it be alright, if this stayed between you and me?” I asked.
“Of course sweetheart. I swear I won’t tell a soul.” She said.

This abortion is something that we both want done as quickly and seamlessly as possible. Once we get past the pro-life activists, and inside, there sits a familiar face. I feel just as ashamed as she looks.

“Izzy, are you ok?” I asked.
“No, I found out I was pregnant this morning and I was so excited because I always wanted a baby of my own. I went and told Tristan, and he backs me into a corner, slaps me around, and then throws money at me, telling me to get rid of it! Then, he storms out of the house, and I never sobbed so hard in all my life.” Izzy cried.

“I’m here for you. If you want to talk, or you just need some company.” I said.
“Thank you. Why are you here?” She sniffled.
“Tristan, um, raped me.” I couldn’t hold back my tears any longer.

I saw Scarlet roll her eyes, but she didn’t understand the pain Tristan had put us through, and I’m not sure she ever would. It created a distance between us whenever Izzy was around, but why does she have to act so childish? I’m just trying to be a good friend and support someone who has nobody to lean on. Izzy and I cry together, holding each other's hands, and I say a silent prayer for both our babies we are unable to keep. Izzy is called back first.

“Why did you roll your eyes?” I asked Scarlet.
“Why do you always have to be all over Izzy?”
“I’m not trying to be. I’m just trying to be a good friend.”
“Oh, so the slut who stole your husband is now your friend?”
“Whoa, that’s harsh. I thought you came to support me. This doesn’t feel very supportive. Izzy isn’t a slut. You heard her yourself. She was forced to do things she didn’t want to do, and now she has to have an abortion because of the same man who forced those things upon her. Just like me. Right here, right now.” I said.
“Sounds like you’re defending your new girlfriend.” Scarlet said.
“I shouldn’t have to deal with your jealousy and insecurities right now!”
“You know what? You don’t. We are done. When you feel better, come pick up your shit.”

Immediately, I break down. What am I going to do without her? She was my whole world. She still is. Where am I going to live? Izzy walks through the door, weeping, and she comes right to me.

“Are you going to be ok?” I asked.
“I’m going to try my best. Where’s Scarlet?” Izzy asked.
“It’s complicated. We got into it, and she broke up with me. She just left me here and told me to come get my stuff. I can’t believe it’s over.”
“Well sugar, I would be happy to take you to get your things, and bring you back to my place. I can promise you I am done letting that fool treat us the way he does.”
“Yes. Thank you.” I said.

My name is called next, and I know Izzy will be waiting for me when I’m done. It’s horrible how you have to wait for hours, see a therapist, do tons of paperwork, pee in a cup. Then, in a matter of minutes, the doctor literally sucks the life out of you. All you feel is this emptiness, and you know you’ll never be able to fill that void.

Riding in Izzy’s truck over to Scarlet’s place, I can’t help but cry like a baby all the way there. I thank her for the ride, and let her know I’ll meet up with her later. I know I have a lot of packing to do, and hopefully Scarlet will talk to me. Heartbroken over my losses, I walk up to the front door and contemplate using my key. Scarlet opens the door, and she has this coldness I’ve never felt from her before. I didn’t know she could be so hateful.

“I see you got your little girlfriend to bring you home.” Scarlet said sarcastically.
“What did you want me to do? Walk? I’m in a lot of pain.”
“Fine. Whatever.”
“Here is your key. I’m sorry. I’ll get my stuff as fast as I can and get out of your hair.”

She didn’t say another word to me while I was there. I could see it in her eyes that she felt bad. I think she was just too stubborn to say anything at that moment. I did all I could for the day, and I let her know I would be back to get the rest when I felt a little better. She said it was ok.

I drive out to my secret secluded spot and park. The sun is setting and the sky is streaked with clouds. Such a beautiful sky, for such a sad day. When I reach in my bag for a blanket, I pull out a shirt. Weird, how did this get in there? Oh it’s Scarlet’s shirt. I press it against me, and it smells just like her. All I can think is, I want my Scarlet back. I cuddle with her shirt and cry myself to sleep.

The morning sunlight rays beam right into my eyes, waking me up. At least I won’t be late for work. Work. Ugh. I’m going to have to see Scarlet. All day, silently, I muddle through shampoos and hair cuts. The best part, was catching up on all the new gossip around town. After punching my time card, there’s someone else who has been on my mind all day, and I need to go see how she is doing. When I get to her room, the door is closed. That’s not like Izzy at all.
I press my ear against the door. Nothing. So, I knock lightly, so as not to disturb her in case she is just sleeping.

“Come in.” Izzy groans.
I open the door, and it takes a minute for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. Izzy sits up and turns on the lamp on her bedside table.
“Sorry. Is that better?” Izzy asked.
“Yeah. I came to see if you’re alright.”
“Sugar, you are so sweet. To tell you the truth, no I’m not. How are you?”
“I’m not doing so well myself either.”
“This is the worst thing I’ve ever done. I feel so guilty, hun. I wish I could just forget about all of it, even if it were just for a little while.” Izzy said.

I lean in to hug her, and she presses her lips against mine. At first, I’m startled and I tense up. Then Scarlet enters my mind, and I feel so guilty, but Izzy feels so good; rubbing her velvety hands near my bikini line. Wait, I don’t have to feel guilt, we’re not together anymore. I begin to loosen up, and slip my tongue between her supple lips. Our tongues brushed together. She is softer than I fantasized, slowly undressing me, I nibble her ears. She shudders, and I feel the goosebumps rise all over her body. I’m rubbing her hips and squeezing her thighs, as I suck on her neck, moving down to her sweet nipples. She tastes so delicious, rolling around her nipple with my lips and tongue. She caresses the length of my naked voluptuous body with all my curves.

“You’re so beautiful. I’ve wanted this for some time now.” She said.
“I want you right now. You’re so sexy. I can’t wait any longer.”
I can’t stand it, she’s teasing me. I put my two fingers inside of my soaking wet pussy, just to relieve the pressure. Moaning; waiting for her to touch me, I thrust my fingers in and out a few times, and then I pull them from me and scrape my teeth on my index finger breathlessly; sucking the juices off as my finger wrap around my tongue.
Izzy goes to the end of the bed and spreads my legs open, kissing my inner thighs all the way to my wet pussy. I’m waiting in anticipation for her touch. She slides two fingers up inside of me and twirls her tongue around my hard clit.

“Yes! Right there, baby. I’m about to cum”

My pussy is getting soaked as she quickly thrusts her fingers in and out of me. She’s licking and sucking on my pussy until I cum. Still so turned on, and ready to please her any way I can.
I get up and lay her down gently on her back, as if she’s breakable, and spread her pussy lips. That sexy pussy is glistening just for me. She hands me her vibrator.

“I like it in my ass while you go down on me.” Izzy smiles.
“You’re a bad girl, you need a spanking.”

I slap her right on that tight ass, mmm.
I get the vibrator lubed up, and I start working it into her ass until she’s comfortable, as I stick my tongue between those sweet pussy lips. She moans. I feel so powerful, sticking my fingers in and out of her, and licking up all of her juices. I begin darting my two fingers in her pussy with a come hither motion and I can feel she is getting close. I flick her clit with my tongue and then go under her clit and lick and swirl until she yells out.

“Oh my darling, you’re amazing.” Izzy said.
“So, are you. I think we were able to occupy our minds for a little while.” I laugh.
“Why I guess you’re right.”
Suddenly, Izzy has a sad look, like she’s about to cry. I know this is a lot harder on her than it was me. I feel really bad for her, but we all have our own cross to bear.

“How about I just lay with you for a while and keep you company?” I asked.
“Really? That would be most gracious of you, sweetheart.”

While we’re laying there, all I can think about is Scarlet. She is the one who truly has my heart. It occurs to me, that Izzy said she had wanted to have sex with me for a long time. Izzy did kind of play the catalyst in breaking up my relationship by flirting with me right in front of my girlfriend. Have I fallen right into a trap? I need to do something to prove my undying love for that woman. Scarlet needs to know I can’t live without her. I can’t hold my eyes open, maybe just a little nap first.

There is only one chapter left! If anyone is reading this, it would be great to get some feedback. Thank you!

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