Sunday, January 8, 2017

Depraved Appetites You're gonna love it!

I hope you really enjoy chapter 2

Secret Admirer

It has been an ongoing cycle of abuse over the past fourteen years, and I have done everything in my power to be the perfect wife and loving mother. Over the years, I’ve done everything he’s asked of me, and now I don’t even recognize myself. Tristan comes home from work everyday, finds something to bitch about, and slaps or punches me. He always finds a way to degrade me, but he has been a wonderful father. After helping Holly with whatever she needs, he heads straight to his bar, and if he doesn't black out in there, he’ll sleep in a separate master bedroom most of the time. He didn't used to hurt me or drink this much, and it’s getting to the point where I can’t take it anymore. I get so anxious, I vomit right before he comes home everyday.  

“Today is just one of those days where I can’t deal with your dad. Scarlet and I had a rough day at the salon and I’m going over there to relax.” I said to Holly.

Whatever. All you do is sweep hair, Right?” Holly said.
“No, I am a beautician. Not only do I cut, color, and style hair-”
“Not interested. Just go.” Holly said.
“Don’t talk to me that way.” I said.
“Why? What are you going to do about it? Color and style me to death?” Holly laughs.
“You are so disrespectful.”
“Ugh, I can’t deal with this today. I’m leaving.” I said.
“Yeah. You already said that mom. Now get out of here.”

Once I get to Scarlets, I’m instantly relieved.
“Hey, what a day. I got great tips from doing the hair of all the bridesmaids last minute. Did you get anything good from working on the bride?” I ask Scarlet
“Yeah! A $50.00 tip. We should celebrate.”
“Absolutely, but I need to save most of this because it will give me enough to put a down payment on an apartment.” I said.
“Why don’t you just stay with me, and we’ll split the bills? It will be less expensive for both of us.”
“Yeah, that’s a great idea. Thank you so much!”

I don’t want to arouse suspicion because I am not ready for that fight yet. What I do, is slowly move my belongings from my house to hers, and only stay a few nights a week at first.

Working at this prison has brought me more excitement than anything else in my life, until recently.This facility oversees men and women, and I’m responsible for up to 180 inmates at any given time. I’ve always been very successful, and never a rule breaker; that is; until I laid eyes on her voluptuous curves. Looks like I’m getting a new inmate today, Isabella Borden. She’s been arrested for first degree assault with a deadly weapon. Ooh, a bad girl. The 25 year old with ice blue eyes, and long blonde hair strutted in with her bed and baggage like she owned the place. She's a red hot vixen looking to score whatever she can get her hands on. Money, sex, drugs, you name it. With her five years already served, It's almost time for her release and I have come up with a devious plan to get her right where I want her.

At home, on my day off, I'm bored, with Holly at school, and my husband at work. I decide to go poking around in Tristan's office, and as soon as I open the desk drawer, a stack of handwritten love letters are placed neatly in order. Oh my God, I was right, he is cheating on me, that fucking bastard! I realize that this dark secret could ruin him if he is cheating with someone who is imprisoned. I wonder who it could be. This is so painful that I consider confronting him about it right away, but then I realize there’s no point because I’ve already given up on our marriage too. I go into the bar to pour myself a drink, and come across a baggie of cocaine and a straw. So, I pour out quite a bit, line it up, and snort it. Then, I take my shot of vodka.

"Well I'm not pissed off anymore!" I said to myself.
l pocket the rest of the drugs, and call Scarlet to confide in her. She insists I come over with the letters, so we can read them together. Upon arrival, we sit on her glamorous, lavender, love seat with a matching, suede ottoman in front. I pull the coke out of my pocket to show Scarlet and offer her some.

"Where did you get that?" Scarlet asks.
"I found it in my bar. How about we finish it off?"

"Hell yeah!" She drags me to the kitchen.

On the kitchen counter, we set up two lines, and snort them with a straw, before we begin reading the letters.

"Oh girl, that's some good stuff!" She said.

"I know right!" I said, sniffling.  

We get back to the love seat and Scarlet begins reading a few letters, and I pick up a couple to read myself. We are both feeling a sense of euphoria.
"Oh honey, I'm so sorry. You, of all people, don't deserve this!" Scarlet agonizes, as she hugs me with intention.
I look up at her with tears in my eyes. I never felt this way before; safe, happy, and loved all at the same time. Scarlet's piercing green eyes lure me in closer, she leans in, her soft lips brush against mine. I give in and reach up to hold her face, and gently pull her in, our lips press together tenderly. Our tongues touch tentatively, and it gives me goosebumps. She smiles at me and I see her shudder, so I slide my tongue across my lips, feeling turned on, I kiss her neck and she moans. She unbuttons her shirt, removes her bra, and I passionately kiss her as I'm rolling her nipple with my finger. Her nipples are pink, soft, and supple. She suggests we go to the bedroom, kissing and losing all of our clothes as we make it to her king size bed. She's so beautiful, and voluptuous, and she tells me how she's been longing for me for many years. I lay beside her, caressing her sensuous curves, and my hands begin to wander to her pussy, it's so wet, and I'm nervous because this is my first time. She takes my hand and guides me to her clit and I circle it a few times to see how she reacts. Her head leans back, she closes her eyes, and she lets out a quiet moan, and I can feel myself getting aroused over the nervousness that I once had. So, I stick my two finger in a 'come hither' motion inside her wet pussy and she moans even louder, so I go harder and faster.
"Oh yes!" She cries out as her juices flow out.
Now, she lays me gently on my back and takes over by laying on her stomach, spreading my legs, and I'm feeling empowered over her orgasm, yet worried I won't be able to myself. She dips her tongue within the folds of my pussy, sliding her tongue to my clit, lightly flicking it with the tip, and it sends chills down my body; it feels amazing. My pussy is getting wetter as she plays with me, gliding her fingers in and out, circling her tongue around and under my clit. My body is filled with a tingling sensation as she caresses my thighs, grips my hip, and my back arches.
I moan loudly, "I'm cuming, oh my gosh."
Scarlet crawls her way up to my side, lovingly brushes my hair behind my ear, so she can look into my sky blue eyes. We embrace, and as I'm soaking in the afterglow, Scarlet expresses her affection for me.

"I love you Roxie; I have for some time now."

Honestly feeling a bit confused about my emotions because of my home situation, I decide to tell her the truth, even if that lands me back in the house of my abuser.

"Scarlet, I love you too. I just need some time. I’m sorry. I never should have led you on.” I said.

"You’re right, you never should have led me on! I thought I could open up to you.”

I feel awful for hurting my best friend; someone I really do love. I know she’s not going to be able to look at me now. I begin packing and preparing myself to face my abuser.

“Scarlet, I’m leaving. I never meant for this to happen. Please forgive me.”
“Maybe someday.” She said.

On my drive home, all I could think about was how much I had hurt her. So badly, I wanted to turn around and tell her I didn’t mean a word of it. As I pulled into my driveway, my thoughts turned to the evil that lies in these walls.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Holly said.

“Watch your mouth young lady! I live here.”

Whatever.” Holly replied.

I was beginning to think that was her favorite word. Maybe it’s just a teenage thing. I don’t know.

Holly’s lying sideways across our recliner, swinging her feet, and as I walk by, she reaches out and intentionally shoves me with her foot and laughs.

“Oops.” She said sarcastically.

In shock, I pick myself up off the floor, not saying a word. I quickly search for Tristan, and explain what happened.

“You know how teenagers are baby. I’m sure it’s just a prank.” He said.

“Fine, I’ll go make dinner then.” I said.

“I hope you’ll make something edible this time, you old cow.” Holly chimed in.

“Yeah, don’t burn it. You fat whore.” Tristan said, and then laughed.

“You know what? You can make your own dinner then.”

“Did you just back talk me, bitch? Oh hell no!” Tristan hauled off and punched me in my right eye. “That’s what you get, you good for nothing piece of shit.” he said.

I was backed into the corner of the kitchen, trembling. What’s happened to my family? Why are they so mean to me?
“Just leave me alone!” I said.

“Leave me alone, leave me alone.” Holly said mockingly as she approached me. “Aww, the dirty pigs eyes don’t match, let me help.”
Holly punches me in my left eye and it knocks me over to my side and she begins kicking me over and over in my ribs and stomach. I try to crawl away, thinking these could be my final moments and I feel a sharp pain in my back. It’s Tristan, he’s joined in on the chaos, kicking my back and legs.

“Alright, that’s enough fun for tonight Holly.” Tristan said.

“What do we do with her?” Holly asks.

“Nothing. Just leave her there. Come on, I’m going to take you out to eat. She’s in no condition to cook now. What a waste of space.” He laughs.

After they leave, I muster all my strength to crawl to my bedroom. I don’t know what to do. I can’t bring myself to call the police on my family; especially my daughter. The only thing I want, is out. Picking up the phone is so painful, physically and emotionally, because I am praying Scarlet has forgiven me. Obviously not. No answer.

I wonder why Roxie is calling me. I’ve been struggling to forgive her, and I’m just not ready yet. Why can’t she wait for me to be ready? It’s so dark without her bright smile here. No message on my answering machine; that’s odd. She always leaves a message. I hope she’s alright.

I was so badly beaten, there was no way I could show my face at work the next day. I had to call in sick. I stayed in my locked bedroom all day, into the evening, until Tristan knocked on my door.
“Holly and I want to say we’re sorry about yesterday. Please come out.”

Reluctantly, I opened the door a little and both of them reeked of alcohol. Tristan swooped in, seized me, and held me down on my bed.

“Yeah, sorry we didn’t do this sooner.” Tristan said.
Tristan instructs Holly to remove my clothing and leave the room. He smashes his head against mine and everything goes black for a few minutes.

While Roxie’s unconscious, I’m going to get what I want for a change. Just in case she wakes up, I hold down both of her arms, stick my throbbing cock inside and thrust quickly. As I cum, she wakes up and I feel her insides clench, which only intensifies my orgasm.

“Get the fuck off of me!” Roxie screams.

“Don’t worry, I’m done with you anyway.” He zips up his jeans and walks out my bedroom.

I lock my door, run into my bathroom and lock that door. Sitting on the floor in the corner, with my blanket wrapped around me, crying so hard no sound comes out. After some time, I managed to pull myself together enough to take a shower and pack up all of my personal effects. That was my breaking point, and I knew I couldn’t stay there anymore. Holly and Tristan had finally passed out that night, and I packed my car quietly. Knowing I needed a place to stay, I tried to call Scarlet one last time before leaving the house for good. Still no answer.

There’s a secluded spot where I park for the night, and I sleep in my car. When I was alone, my mind was racing. I’m so ashamed and dirty. Why would my daughter treat me this way? There’s so much I don’t understand. Maybe I deserved it for the way I treated Scarlet? Over the past couple days, I’ve come to realize how much she means to me, and that I can’t live without her in my life. I love her, and I am ready to commit myself to her.

The next morning, I have to go to work; there’s no other choice. Before I get to work, I must figure out a way to cover up my bruises. Turns out, concealer isn’t doing anything for the cuts and the big bruises, so I choose to wear a long sleeve shirt and a pair of jeans. If anyone asks, I’ll just tell them I was in a car accident. Yes, that should work. I convince myself.
I walk in and start to set up my station for the day before we open, and Scarlet glances in my direction. I see her walking towards me and I am getting nervous.

“What in God’s name happened to you, Roxie?” She said.
“Um, I was in a car accident.”
“He’s beating you again, isn’t he?” she asked.
Tears flowed from my eyes, “It’s worse than that.”
“What? How can it be worse than him beating on you?” She asked.

Scarlet asked me to come sit with her, and talk in the break room. I rolled up my sleeves and showed her my legs.
“Scarlet, something happened to me last night, and it gave me a lot of time to think about you. I need you to know, I love you with all my heart.”
“Really? What happened that made you change your mind.” She asked.
“I never changed my mind. I’ve always loved you. The difference is, they made me realize that I can’t live without you.Tristan and Holly did this to me, and then she helped him rape me. I packed everything and left last night. I thought about you most of the night.”
“Whoa! Both of them were in on it.” She said.

After I explain everything that happened, she becomes supportive. I’ve never seen Scarlet so enraged at anyone before.    

"I want to be with you, and only you. You mean too much to me as a person, and I didn’t mean what I said. Please forgive me.” I said.

“I want to be with you too, and I feel horrible for not picking up the phone last night. I forgive you, Roxie. I can’t let this go this time.” Scarlet said, pointing at my biggest bruise.
“We are getting our vengeance against them both.”    

Even though I am ending things with my husband, we are putting a plan together that requires me to be the bait. I am ready and willing to play any part to get payback for all the torment Tristan and Holly have put me through. Scarlet is absolutely enraged that my daughter was a willing player in the abuse. Scarlet is the only one who completely understands me and wants to be part of the payback. Something I've never had in a relationship.

"The only thing I really want, is for you to move back in with me." She said.

“If you really want me to, I would love to move back in.”

"Of course, I still love you, and I did promise I would wait for you.”

“I’m ready to commit, and I already have most everything packed in my car.” I said.

"Are you serious? That’s wonderful!” She said.
Even though we know we’re going to get in trouble for opening the salon an hour late, we both agree that it was worth it. Our boss, Karen, walks in about noon, and does a double take when she sees me.

“Roxie, can I see you in my office for a moment?” Karen asked.
My stomach started doing flips. I feared for my job. As I walked into her office, every part of me is shaking. Close the door, she instructed.

“Please tell me I’m not going to lose my job?” I asked.

“No, nothing like that. I’m worried about you, what happened?”

I explained my situation and assured her that I would be ok. Karen informed me it was unprofessional to show up looking the way I did, but showed sympathy for my position. Karen sent me home with pay for two days and told me to get as much rest as possible.
On my way out the door, I told Scarlet.

“She’s right. Here is a key to our home. Go get some rest, and I’ll be home later.” She said.

“Thank you. This means the world to me.”

We exchanged a few short kisses and she gently hugged, so as not to hurt me.
“I love you.” She whispered in my ear.
“I love you too.”

Later that evening, I’m laying on the couch and it occurs to me that I forgot to pack my medicine. Now, I was going to have to go back.
“I have to go get my medicine and I’ll be right back.” I said.
“Please be careful, it’s pouring out there.” She said.

She wraps her arms around my waist and I wrap mine around her neck, we hold each other close.
"I love you."  
"I love you too. I’ll see you soon” I said.
“Call me when you get home.”

As I drive to the house, I’m listening to the radio and the weather report comes on, saying there is a tornado warning in my area. Now, I’m afraid I won’t be able to get back home if this weather keeps up. My anxiety is rising, making my heart pound nearly out of my chest. My hands are sweating so profusely, I can barely keep them on the wheel. Fear mustn't keep me down.

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