Thursday, January 12, 2017

Is Okay Ok?

Look around you, and look inside you. How many people do you think are settling? I will tell you; it's a hell of a lot of people. They're settling everyday in okay relationships, and okay jobs, and an okay life. 
Do you know why?
Because okay is comfortable.
Okay pays the bills.
Okay gives a warm bed at night, and allows one to go out with co-workers on a Friday evening to enjoy happy hour.
Do you know what is not okay?
Okay isn't thrilling.
Okay isn't passion.
Okay isn't the reason for getting out of bed every morning.
Okay isn't life changing or unforgettable.
Okay is not a reason to go to bed late, and wake up early.
Okay is not the reason you risk absolutely everything you have, just for the smallest chance that something incredibly amazing could happen.
Okay is not ok 

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