Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Take The Taboo Off Mental Illnesses

We need to free mental illness from all the negativity. Specifically, Bipolar Disorder. I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder in August of 2014, and it has been a hell of an uphill struggle. People began to look at me differently, with judgement written all over their faces. Whenever I needed someone to talk to about it, they brushed me off. They are still in denial, to this day. I want to be free of the stigma. I'm not insane, and neither are the other people who have been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. 

The issue with bipolar disorder isn't that we have feelings, it's that our feeling are too big. Emotions and feelings are normal, even big emotions at certain times are normal, but people with bipolar have feelings that are too big; far too much of the time. Bipolar is a mood disorder. Feelings, in any situation, are on a spectrum, and people with bipolar, are on the far end of the spectrum the majority of the time; causing the mood swings. It's feels like your parent dies everyday. The problem isn't them emotion, it isn't the feeling itself, it's that the feeling is TOO BIG for the situation. No matter the situation, the feeling is pretty much always too big, every day, all day. 

I support people who have mental illnesses of all kinds, and I know that if we all stick together, we can overcome the stigma that surrounds it! I always help out whenever I see someone in need, and if anybody needs someone to talk to, I'll be there for you. Let's Free Mental Illness from it's tainted mark of the old days!

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